How to Taste Wine Like A Pro in 6 Simple Steps

Younger folks may prefer going on a wine tasting weekend for the free booze. But knowing how to taste wine can enhance your entire experience. Not only will you learn how to distinguish between different aromas and tastes, you will truly appreciate it.

In this post we’ll share some handy tips on how to taste wine like a pro and enjoy wine tasting even more on your next excursion. Let’s get started!

1. Observe the Color

Take the wine glass by its stem and hold it up, and take note of the color you see. Be sure to note the clarity and opacity. You can tilt the glass from side to side to have a look at how the color changes from the center of the glass to the edges. Pay close attention to the shade of white or red of the wine.

2. Swirl It Around

Now that you’ve observed the color of the wine, it’s time to swirl the wine around in your glass. Take care to keep the glass held at the stem, you don’t want it to get warm! Swirling the wine allows all the aromas to come forth and some of the alcohol to evaporate.

3. Notice How it Flows

The technical term for what you’ll be observing is the viscosity of the wine. This refers to how the wine flows. As you swirl the wine, you will notice little droplets forming, these are called the ‘legs’ of the wine. Notice if it’s thick or thin. Thicker legs indicate wine with a higher alcohol or sugar content.

4. Inhale the Aroma

The next step is to smell the wine. First, after swirling the wine, take a quick whiff of it a couple of inches away from you. Next, you’ll bring your nose closer to the wine and inhale the aromas of the wine. By smelling and observing the scent of the wine we can distinguish specific characteristics.

5. Take a Sip and Taste

What did the wine smell like? Whatever your conclusion, this will play a role in your tasting of the wine. Now, take a small sip of wine, roll it around in your mouth to expose all your taste buds to it. Notice the wine’s ‘finish’, does the taste linger long, was it light or full-bodied?

6. Let it Linger

Now that you’ve gone through the entire process, it’s time to consider your experience of the wine. Think about the aromas, the texture and body, the taste and other specific characteristics. Try to imagine whether the wine will complement a specific dish.

Once you get the hang of it, it will become like second nature. The next time you go on a wine tasting outing, you’re sure to impress friends and have an even more enjoyable time. Have fun discovering the wonders of wine!